Thursday, April 14, 2005

Baby Blanket Bingo, and Kim's Questions

The bad part about baby blankets is they are so big. I know they are not as big as an afghan or a bedspread, but 35 inches of knitting is still a bunch. The shower is 6 days away and I have only dropped one stitch on the PROTOTYPE blanket. Here it is:

blanket stitch

and the entire blanket:


I am seriously considering making her the baby jacket I made for SWTC using the Microspun yarn – I could have that done in time and there is just no way I will have this blanket done. hmmm.

Pam went to Martini Ranch with Melanie to see a concert last night. Reading this made me feel old and, well, motherly. I used to hang out at Martini Ranch and watch the Peacemakers. I used to go hear live music. I was cool, darn it. Last night I was up at 3:30 in the morning realizing that used to be prime time to hang out at Denny’s after dancing all night. Sigh.

To commemorate the occasion of Pam’s trip to my old hang out, I am drinking a Rolling Rock Green Light. Beer just tastes like old times to me. Of course I won’t even be able to finish it because my head will start to droop and I will lie down on the couch until Joe gets home, but no matter. I can sit here and reminisce about a time when I could sleep until noon and sometimes didn’t leave the house until after ten at night.

I keep forgetting to interview Kim! Here are your questions Kim, the answers should appear on her blog.

Kim’s questions:

1. As the leader of the knitting group, what has been your biggest challenge? Is the group what you imagined it would be?

2. What do you miss most about Jonny when he’s gone for a month? (Besides the obvious answer, please.) Is there anything that has surprised you so far about being on your own?

3. How has being adopted positively impacted you as a person? What is your view about all these kids being adopted from orphanages in other countries?

4. What does “being popular” mean to you? Is it having a lot of friends? Is it making sure everyone likes you? Does this desire color the way you see others?

5. If you could change one thing you have done so far in being a mother, what would it be? What do you think is your greatest success as a mother?


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