Friday, April 22, 2005

Rated XXX

Yesterday someone accused me of having an unwholesome blog that was inappropriate for my young audience. Normally comments like this don't bother me – if you think my site is bad you really should not be on the internet at all. But for some reason I am really upset by this allegation. I don't discuss politics, or religion, or any type of inappropriate topic. I don't use naughty language. And unless you're one particular person, I don't offend anyone. Ok, now two people.

The entry in question is the picture Squareslant made for me. Apparently someone thinks this cartoon is bordering on pornographic. Of course I think it's funny and not-at-all offensive, but apparently I am just wrong.

So I ask you, my faithful readers. Is the picture unfit for a young audience?

In knitting news, I am working away on Mariposa and cannot believe how much I love it. 308 stitches, nine repeats of the pattern. It's blissful. It will be very hard to give up when I finally finish, but I am learning a lot about lace.

Today I'm having lunch with Parley, Potusol, and my mom. We had to cajole my mother – she wasn't going to come because she doesn't like to interfere with my friends. I told her Parley likes her more than me anyway. (He agreed. She often makes him low-carb desserts and dotes on him as if he were her son.)

The other night at dinner Kim asked me if I was a mama's girl or a daddy's girl growing up. I suppose I have been a daddy's girl my whole life, especially when I was a teenager and my mom didn't like me so much. But isn't having a favorite parent sort of like having a favorite kid? My mom used to favor my brother until I got pregnant, now I think we're tied. And baby Jack beats us all by a mile.

Unless one of your parents is grossly negligent, I think it's hard to say you favor one over the other. Mine have both been so wonderful it's hard to say.


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