I've Been Interviewed!
1. Leave me a comment saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here. They will be different questions than the ones below.
3. You will update YOUR blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
And here are the five questions Cari asked me:
1. What trait of yours do you hope your son Jack inherits from you? What trait do you hope he doesn’t?
I hope he inherits my sense of adventure – I hope he sees as much of the world as he can, I hope he travels and explores and learns about everything that is interesting and important.
I hope he doesn’t inherit my complete inability to manage money.
2. What fictional character, from books, movies, or tv, would you be and why?
Brett from Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises”. I know Hemingway often wrote women in an unflatteringly light, but Brett strikes me as someone who lives a life I would enjoy. She is running around Paris, marrying some Count from England, fishing in Spain. She goes to a bar with one man and leaves with another, and explanations are never offered. I’ve always longed to be an Ex-Patriot in the cafes of Europe, writing my novel on cocktail napkins and drinking too much gin.
3. You’ve been given the opportunity to create a reality tv show involving knitters and knitting. What’s the conceit? Any of those nasty surprise twists to catch the participants off guard?
Combining reality tv and knitting? It’s like a dream come true! Of course the best nasty twist would be to go and unravel someone’s knitting, huh? I think I would set up a team of judges – Stephanie Pearl McPhee (aka the Yarn Harlot), Debbie Stoller, Amy Singer, and a few of my non-famous knitting friends. Every week the knitters would get a new challenge – lace, intarsia, sweater design, cables, fun fur (I hate fun fur. I think it’s harder to work with than Red Heart Acrylic for 89 cents a pound). Every Monday they would present their item to the panel. Instead of a rose ceremony or a tribal council or a boardroom, the person with the worst work would wake up the next morning with her project unraveled next to her bed, signifying she was off the show.
The winner would get to move in with Brad Pitt. Ok wait, that’s an entirely different show. The winner would get a prime time knitting show on Fox. One hour a week for knitters, by knitters. It would be like Knitty Gritty but long enough to actually cover the material, and more in tune with what knitters want instead of what yarn companies are trying to sell us.
4. I truly believe Italian Greyhounds are part alien. Offer evidence based on your life with Lucca to prove or disprove this theory.
Lucca has the preternatural ability to sense the mailman from miles away. She can be under two quilts in the back bedroom with music on and she will still know he is coming. And he comes a different time every day, so it’s not just a time thing. (She hates him so much I wonder if he is also part alien from a rival solar system. Hmmm.) She also can also leap unnaturally far – even if she’s leaping backwards. This often happens when the baby is trying to grab for her.
Lastly, she is known to have healing powers. If you are sick, she will glom onto you until you are better. And I am certain my recoveries are speedier due to her presence.
5. When has your (self-proclaimed) absentmindedness gotten you into real trouble?
Thank the heavens above I have not left the child anywhere yet, although I can see how this might happen. (Maybe not though, my every moment is consumed by the little character. And even though I’m sleep deprived I can’t fathom a time when I could actually forget about him.)
Other than banging my brand new car into a wall at a parking garage, I would have to say I haven’t done anything too terrible. I just lose my keys on an hourly basis, can’t remember a single thing unless it’s written down, and wander around in a semi-fugue state all the time.
It’s a good thing I have this interview, because knitting information is non-existent right now. My life is filled with little Jack. He’s suddenly become very inquisitive and interested in the world, thus taking up my time entertaining him. At least he laughs at my jokes.